Ban Appeal
Your NameDatzy
STEAM ID or Minecraft ID
Where were you banned fromPB
What happenedHi.
I'm sure most of you know the terms of my ban, and I sure know what warranted the permanent removal from this community. Now, I've not come to whine about it, nor dispute my actions, all I want is forgiveness in what I did. My actions were not what they should have been, and had I wanted to leave- I could've done it without word anyway. It was my choice, and my improper choice, to do what I had done and infract the TNS guidelines.
Now, for those of you that don't know what I'd done, I dropped a politically incorrect term twice in the shoutbox without offensive intent, but at the time I knew completely what I was doing and that it would've gotten me banned.
Again, all I want is forgiveness.