Well, I can say we did a good run on the server. I remember finding the DarkRP server, way back in its first run. Such good memories (mostly of shankeh, and Crazypolskaman, Ghosty, etc.) I'm gonna truely miss the servers. I gotta say, TNS has been a huge factor in my like (Money sucking vampires!. No seriously.) and I've made some really great friends (3 actually). I'm gonna really miss the times that I yelled at micro for breaking it, and all the times I said: "Shankeh bb", and all the times I pwned obez at CS:S (0 times, as of today!), and all the times I... The list goes on. With that all said, my point is this was, and will always be, my favorite community of all time. I shed my tear(s) in honor of this community.
On a side note, i wont find myself spending money from left and right anymore (wait whut?)