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  1. #2
    n00bl3t's Avatar
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    Ummm the form is broken...

    Here is a copy/paste of what I wrote.

    Okay, well I'm just making this complaint so this kind of thing can be noticed but what I thought wasn't a big deal turned into a big deal. Let me first start off by saying this kind of crap happens on a daily basis where Admins will call regular player names but if anyone says any little thing that offends an Admin it turns straight into "Admin Disrespect" and the players are punished but the Admins do not uphold the rule of "Player Disrespect".

    So anyway, Segure and I just killed a detective and I picked up the Detectives Freeze grenade and there is a HP station right next to the corpse. So when I go up to heal and having the freeze grenade out, I throw it trying to click the HP station and it freezes both of us. No big deal right? Segure responds "YOU FUCKING WHORE" in all caps and technically if I want to get butt hurt, this is disrespect; no?

    Alright; so up to this point, no big deal. This happens all the time. Players say this to admins, admins say this to players but everyone knows they are joking and having fun. Well, I say it back still thinking this is all just fun and joking and immediately he hits me with the "Admin Disrespect" train. Still I think this is joking up to this point until he actually uses ADMIN power to gag me.

    Now this is what I don't understand. He literally takes it serious and now since he used Admin I know this is serious. I even asked the next round why and what happened and he is sticking with his "Disrespect" thing while even other Admins on the server at the time are saying that he said it first...

    I was told to come here to make a complaint if I heavily felt like it was needed. I think this kind of thing needs to be looked into because this has been happening a lot lately when Admins are more focused on the "Admin Disrespect" in any little manner but they don't look at the "Player Disrespect"


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    Last edited by n00bl3t; Yesterday at 04:55 PM.

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