mg_divine_multigames - I have to look into more cause it has a sourcemod plugin with it.
mg_lt_galaxy_v5 - will try
mg_lt_glacier - will try, however, there are concerns that it may have some bugs.
mg_jacks_multigames_v1 - will try
mg_jacks_bhop_battle_FINAL_fix - bhop is jacked from an update (even when bhop is enabled)
mg_lego_multigames_v2 - theres no list of what is on here so I'll pass till someone tells me.
mg_kirbys_brawl_v2 - will try, seems like a dm more than mg
mg_color_multigames_v2_fix - will try, may have bugs
mg_bar_fight_remake_hdg - seems like a de map instead of a mg map.