Sadly, I do agree with Running. The soldiers that die for the rights and freedom that this country has, and restricting those rights to be politically or morally correct is spitting in the faces of their sacrifices. Likewise, WBC also have a right to get their ass beat by the outsiders that do show up which means chances are they won't show up.
The only reason they could picket funerals before, is everybody watched on the sidelines going "Oh, how horrible! That's disgusting! You're bad people! Blah, blah, blah." All while not looking at their own rights and freedoms. They boycott, you boycott them right back. That don't work, then you have a right to a fair trial after summarily beating their asses. You want to know the reason why they didn't show up at the sandy hook funeral even though they staunchly were advocating to be there and protest? People did something. They banded together, got the local civil servants involved to look the other way, and they would beat. them. down. They blockaded any possible place for them to set up, not even letting them get a chance to let out their disgusting voices.
Moral of the story? Talk is cheap. Do something. Hell, even one of the twitch people got off their asses to be a part of the WBC blockade at the Sandy Hook funeral.