A new poll has been created for the nomination . Please vote for your favorite!
User - Erikvm
User - Screech
User - HybridMuffin
User - Webzy
User - Datenshi
A new poll has been created for the nomination . Please vote for your favorite!
Secret 6th option: Rigel
My Reaction to Kingdom Heart 3 being announced
Seems that a lot of members get confused when an admin get nominated for Member of the month. Admins are still members. We may hold a higher title then Members, but we are still members. ANYONE is eligible for being nominated for member of the month unless you have had a recen punishment during the month. Then you're out.
My Reaction to Kingdom Heart 3 being announced
Datenshi-kun is so smart~
Not nominated dis month Im free! Anyway I may go Datenshi or Webzy, whoever bakes me cookies first
Damn you Datenshi...
I think Datenshi nominates himself for Member of The Month every month because he knows he would get destroyed in Admin of The Month.