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  1. #9
    n00bl3t's Avatar
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    Well you shouldn't be responding period but I will say this before this appeal gets outta hand; how is saying a word worth an auto 1 week ban compared to 2 players secretly disrupting actual game-play by taking advantage and knowing who is an innocent and who is a traitor. That is actually in a way cheating/hacking. That's basically a free seth hack if you ask me...but no, you think a word is worth a higher ban then cheating basically. That's what you are saying Takz honestly.

    Either way, they ghosted, he admits to it although of course because he is caught now it is an "accident" but I guess it will be up to the higher ups to determine what to do from here. I will say though, at least in my eyes and my opinion, whenever kaos and shadow join now, I won't be trusting them. How the hell do we know if they have done this more in the past and will simply do it again in the future...

    Takz answer

    I'll just edit your post, so we avoid 500 pages of replies.

    Because Racism is way more serious than 'cheating' in a game round.
    Thats why I believe racism ban should either be increased or ghosting lowered.


    n00bl3t answer

    Oh this is fun. Haha

    Takz, honestly...I can't even respond to that because I don't even know where to start to try to process your understanding. Look, I'm not saying one is good or bad, they are both bad, but when it comes down to a game, any game, CHEATING/HACKING in that game which gives players a huge advantage for that game by just basically owning everyone else is worse than someone who is being racist by saying a word or a sentence to someone. do you even compare the two and say that racism is worse than hacking Takz...I don't understand how your getting that. I mean I can even go a step further and give just random examples. So if you were playing Diablo 3 for example and your in a game doing your own quests and then a hacker joins and let's say he has like some sort of speed and super damage hack and he flies by you and starts killing everything in your path and ruins your game because now you can't do your own quests. And then, a player joins and quickly says "I hate *Insert racist comment here*." And now you have the power to ban them both, you would ban the guy who simply stated that comment for a week compared to the cheater? Ghosting is cheating remember. If that example was too far stretched then let's take it back to TTT then. I'll even give a ghosting example. A group of players, let's say like 4-5 players all are friends together and they are not killing each other, and they are obviously killing Traitors outta no where. And then another player gets killed on his Traitor round outta no where by these guys who are ghosting gets really mad and kinda outta no where blurs out a racist comment. You would still think that the players who are ruining game play and cheating deserve a lesser ban than the person who just got RDM'd on his T round and through rage yelled a racist comment?


    We dont share the same opinion here - I just take racism more serious than game cheating.
    Meh, let CM+ handle.
    Last edited by Takz; 06-25-2012 at 12:02 PM.

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