This thread is an alternative way to join Freedom if you are unable to contact me or the Freedoms Commandant. Just copy and paste and reply to the thread with the format below and either though me, or the commandant will be there to accept you within 5 minutes - 48 hours. However, no matter how cool you are, using this form of application will only get you into Initiate instead of the chance of skipping the position.
*Not Required
Steam Name:
Steam ID:
Time in Omega-Nine servers:
Time playing SeriousRP as a Whole:
Your Name:
Your Desired Nickname/Codename*:
Combat Experience:
Relation to Duty:
Relation to the Ecologists:
Relation to UKM:
Are you a Trader/Tech/Medic?*:
Why do you want to join Freedom?:
Who in Freedom do you Know?*: