Admin Complaint

Admin Name
=TNS= Vir
Where did this happen
TTT #1
What happened
I said these exact words: What, admin abusing /say?

He then gagged me for saying this.

I, for one, am not sure why vir felt the need to gag me. I was simply confused on why an admin needed to tell others not to vote for the map "Crummy cradle"
as I felt it was wrong not to allow someone their rightful vote. After explanation from the members of why we shouldn't pick cradle (because it lags the server) I realized why, in this situation, the admin was in the right.

However, the admin should have explained to me why he had used /say in order to let the other members know not to choose crummy cradle, not resorting to gagging me on such short notice.

I do not want this to seem like an attack against Vir. I just feel as if whenever I am on the server Vir tends to go a lot harsher on me than he really needs to be, and in the community I don't feel welcomed, as if I am an outcast.

Note: I know it's not my place to let an admin know how to do their job, it was just wrong from my point of view, why someone felt the need to use the /say command.