Admin Complaint
Admin NameTouchekewn
Where did this happenRP
What happenedThis happens on ANY server that Touche is in and the only admin. Touche constantly refused to do his admin job. He does nothing about FailRP Cops who NOCOLIDED the props to get into our base. Anytime i call "Admin to me" he does not do anything. He refuses to listen to any opinion I have. Honestly, I've had enough of him doing this. Seriously, I wouldn't be making this complaint if he did this only once, But he does this every time hes in the server with me. The worst part, WHICH I HAVE INCLUDED IN PLAYER COMPLAINTS BEFORE, is that when his friends do something on the server, IE. Propkill, RDM, Propsurf etc. HE DOES NOTHING to solve it. Look back at some of the player complaints made involving him being the only admin and not doing anything. Its all the same thing, and he does nothing. Almost every time I've reported someone Propsurfing, Mic Spamming etc. He does nothing and only tells me not to be so anal about them breaking the rules, Then he goes off, The person who did it then ALWAYS says: "He won't do anything. I'm his friend." and thats another reason why. And honestly, this does happen everytime. And I've realized im not the only person he does this to after watching him 'handle' an RDM situation. Hes also constantly abusing his admin powers, and Donator powers. He also gagged me for awnsering a question he asked.
Also, His abuse of donator was him dying by his printer, then coming back. And it was also him being killed, then coming back to mayor. After i was saying that he was abusing the perks, He gagged me for 10 minutes. Then after, he started threatening to kick me.