So I saw that TTT had loading music and a thread for that and I thought, "Hey! I'm lazy and I kind of want some tacos."
My next thought was, "Hey! What if DarkRP had loading music?"
My thought after that was "Hey! Why don't I see if anyone else has suggested the same thing!"
Upon seeing that nobody had, I wondered why for about three seconds then thought about tacos again.

Now, I know you're wondering why I did not post this in suggestions. That is because I think it'd be cooler if we had an idea for what kind of song we'd want for loading music, if we even wanted loading music, what is loading music anyways, and if what kind of song we'd want to listen to while loading into DeathmatchRP DarkRP. I know I have less authority than a dog on acid and worse judgement than a drunken toddler, but I thought it'd be cool if we talked about it.

I, for one, would like a good song to listen to while I load into the worst excuse for RP I've ever played most enjoyable RP's that has been around. I don't know how fast people load in to DarkRP, but I always seem to have time to cook a meal before I get into the server, and in the mean time I want to get geared up to shoot everyone in sight roleplay in a a fun and enjoyable manner.

Since DarkRP is filled with hookers and killing people, I'd like to nominate the coolest song ever.

P.S: I seriously enjoy the [S] tag like no other.