Hey guys. I just wanted to make this to remind you that when you have any kind of error/bug you should be reporting it.

The form to report a bug is here: http://www.tns-gaming.com/forms.php?do=form&fid=49

But i understand if its something small and you don't feel like making a bug report for it so option B is to PM it to me. Just a quick PM like "Hey knife is 1 hit, kthxbye" is all i need. I cant fix things, regardless of how small they are, if you guys don't report them to me.

It takes me about 30 seconds to fix the knife, but it sat at a two hit kill for a few hours today because i didn't realize it was a 2 hit kill and nobody told me. So guys if there is ever an issue, NO MATTER HOW SMALL, tell me. In some way shape or form just make sure i know. Id rather get the same bug reported to me 50 times then not at all.