Ban Appeal
Your NameTommy
STEAM ID or Minecraft ID
Where were you banned fromCommunity
What happenedHi, Tommy here. I'm sure most of you remember me. I was banned for reasons that are perfectly understandable. That ban was to end after one month. However, during my ban time, I was idiotic and decided to look on the TNS forums while under the influence. I was stupid enough to make a new forum account (YOLOSWAGGA), and post in the shoutbox. After approximately three-five minutes, Obez, a manager at the time, did an IP check to find out who YOLOSWAGGA was. Obviously it led to me, which extended my ban from one month to six. My current ban is to end on June 17th. I know it was extremely stupid of me to come onto the forums and do such a thing, and even more stupid to do what I did in the first place to get banned, but what I'm asking here is for you to accept my apology. I'm sure you've heard that plenty of times for an apology to be accepted, as well as they are "sincere" and "will never do it again", with little to no proof. I am simply one of those people, and I will not deny it. I cannot prove I will not do it again, because that simply is not possible. However, I would like any who read this who knew me to think of my previous actions before I was banned. As many have told me, my irrational actions that day I was banned was a surprise to them, for I simply did not do it as a regular occurrence. I write this ban appeal in hopes that management, and the community as a whole, will seek forgiveness for my actions that day, and allow me to rejoin the Total Non-Stop gaming community, a member, or even a guest, once more.