Quote Originally Posted by Armageddon View Post
Hmm, I'm not sure how PS items would cause physics to glitch, they should not have physics at all (and I know my version of the PS didn't have physics) but I haven't looked at the version of the PS that was put on the servers when I left. Also, people have been saying that this started happening after the latest patch I did, but I didn't touch the PS in that patch at all. Artyom, to fix it did you just disable all items completely or were you able to change something with them so that the crashing stopped?

Also, Stack, when you see these bodies flying around and crashing the server, is their model just one of the default terrorist models or is it one of the models from the PS?
well, with the ps items, that's a bit of a blank, because the server I fixed didn't have them. But I know for a fact disableing custom models fixes it. If that doesn't work though, the ps point stuff might also be a cause.
Also, it effects all models as long as the custom ones are still on the server.